Environmental education has always been one of the cornerstones of the Lapalala Wilderness vision. The Lapalala Wilderness School (LWS) was established by Clive Walker in 1985 and, since then, more than 70 000 young people have had the unique opportunity to experience and enjoy the spectacular scenery and natural beauty of Lapalala. The school now boasts an excellent reputation for offering environmental education to learners, particularly those attended by previously disadvantaged learners.
The Lapalala Wilderness School was established in 1981, and is today widely recognised as a centre of excellence for its environmental education programmes that continue to be enthusiastically received by primary and secondary schools right up to university students already specialising in aspects of the conservation and management of biodiversity.
Our vision is to help the children and youth of our nation to discover the true value of the biodiversity of the natural world and our place within it, and to identify and nurture Africa’s future conservation champions.